EUROTEAM (Czech Republic) is a non-formal team of young people who deal with various types of international projects, organise sightseeing trips abroad for young people and youth workers and cooperate with partner teams and organisations from other European countries.
EUROTEAM was founded in 2007 during a youth project in Madrid and since then has participated in 49 youth projects under the Youth in Action and Erasmus+ programmes in the Czech Republic, Spain, Poland, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Italy, Turkey, Norway, Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, United Kingdom, Armenia and Cyprus.
EUROTEAM has also organised 6 youth projects in the Czech Republic so far and over twenty sightseeing trips to England, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, the USA, Canada and Japan.
In 2018 EUROTEAM organised two youth exchanges called "Breaking Stereotypes" and "Beat Unemployment".

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.