The "Breaking Stereotypes" project was a bilateral Erasmus+ (youth) project which involved young people from the Czech Republic and Turkey at the age of 14-17 together with their team leaders. The project consisted of the Advanced preparatory visit and the Youth exchange.
The aim of the "Breaking Stereotypes" project was to improve the level of key competences of the participants (including participants with limited opportunities), particularly communicative, language, social, creative and moving competences. Another aim was to support intercultural dialogue among participants and organisations coming from totally different cultural background (christian x muslim country), foster the quality of youthwork and deepen mutual cooperation between the teams and through project outputs also the international cooperation in both organisations. In compliance with Erasmus+ priorities for 2018 the project also aimed to support variedness by involving participants coming from different background, cultures and traditions, develop intercultural dialogue, tolerance and respect to human rights and support the values of freedom of people. The "Breaking Stereotypes" project dealt with the matter of differences and similarities of cultures, the matters of intercultural dialogue, tolerance, human rights, traditions etc. and aimed to develop the positive attitudes and common European values among young people.
The project was focused on the needs of participants to develop their awareness about different culture, learn about different culture personally, discuss about similarities and differences of christian and muslim cultures, learn more about traditions of the partner country and this way developed their competences, ability of tolerance to different cultures and ability to cooperate with other young people coming from different background. Through personal learning about other culture we wanted to solve the questions of higher tolerance to differences and fight with radicalization, particularly among young people.
The participants of the "Breaking Stereotypes" project were young people from the Czech Republic and Turkey at the age of 14-17, who are actively involved in work in their organisations and are interested in their personal development, gaining new competences and experience at international level, and in learning about other cultures and creating tolerant and friendly environment towards other cultures. In both teams there were participants coming from disadvantageous groups and participants who had never participated in international projects and for whom it was the first big international experience. In the project there were participants who felt the need to work on their personal development, willing to develop their competences, who had good language competences and knowledge necessary for successful involvement into the project and who faced various obstacles at the entry to the labour market. The project assumed participation of 10 youngsters and 2 team leaders on both sides, which meant 24 people altogether. The APV was attended by 1 team leader and 1 young participant on both sides.
The main activities of the youth exchange included: ice-breaking activities, energizers, presentations, team building activities, discussions, role-play activities, sport activities, excursions, interviews, intercultural, evaluation and dissemination activities. During the project we used the methods of non-formal learning. By implementing of this project the participants improved their language and communication, social, IT and moving competences, extended knowldege of other cultures, ability of tolerance to differences, increased their awareness about different way of life, religion, social problems of young people from the partner country, increased their ability to work independently and in team etc.
We noticed positive impact on local, regional, netional and European level as young people who personally met different culture and gained deeper knowledge of similarities and differences between cultures got less susceptible to manipulation, xenophobia, intolerance and radicalization. The project had an impact not only on the participants and organisations, but also on wider public which were involved in some project activities and got an opportunity to get rid of some prejudices and stereotypes.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.